When you or your family need useful ideas, helpful re-sources, or reliable professional care, LifeMatters is just a phone call away. Services provided directly by LifeMatters are free. If you are referred to outside resources, you will be advised about your costs, if any.
Go to mylifematters.com on the internet or your mobile device and enter the password CGF1 to access resources, educational information, and self-service options or call 1-800-634-6433.
Unlimited telephonic support and three (3) scheduled counseling visits for:
- Stress, depression, and personal problems
- Balancing work and personal needs
- Family and relationship concerns
- Alcohol or drug dependency
- Workplace conflicts
- Financial consultation and resources
- Legal consultation
- Any other issue of concern in your life
Online and assisted searches for:
- Child and elder care resources and guidance
- Adoption assistance
- Educational resources
- Personal Security
View this flyer by clicking here for more information.
Click here to learn Ten Reasons to Use LifeMatters.
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